No visit from Mrs. Claus this year but Holly did stop by and drop off Our Letters to Santa Mail box. She said Mrs. Claus was really busy getting things ready for Christmas. There are a lot of cookies to bake and Elves to keep happy.
Mrs. Claus wants to help Santa again this year by answering letters for all the good boys and girls.
Here at the Bakery we have come up with a Letter to Santa Template for you to fill out and color. You can stop by the bakery and pick up a copy or you can download it through the link on the right. You just have to drop it off in Our Special Letters to Santa Mailbox. Each night Holly our Elf will deliver all your letters right to Mrs. Claus. She will then read them all and of course admire your artistic skills. Then she will send you a note back so you know that Santa got your letter.
You can download the Santa Template so that you can print it out. This way you don't have to stop by the Bakery to pick up your copy. Note it is two sided.
Fill out your letter and make it look pretty. Mrs. Claus loves children's artwork.
Mrs. Claus will try her best to read each response. Please make sure she can read your handwriting, or she won't be able to answer you.
In order to get responses back before Christmas please make sure your letter is at the Bakery by Wednesday, December 18th. Letters received after that will still be answered, we just can't guarantee that you will get a response before Christmas.
All letters must be dropped off at the Bakery. No mailing, emailing, or using social media to get us the letters.
No information in the letters will be shared with anyone. Everything will remain confidential.